• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

South East Hampshire Raynet

National emergency contact number for Raynet-UK: 03030 401080

Group Constitution

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The organisation shall be known as South East Hampshire RAYNET, hereinafter referred to as SEHR.


1.1 The aim of SEHR is to provide radio communications to assist User Services as permitted under the Amateur Radio Licence and to participate in associated activities as a service to the community.

1.2 SEHR shall aim to increase its members’ skills through mentoring new members, by providing training courses and through exercises to consolidate training.


2.1 Membership and renewal of membership of SEHR, shall be approved by the Committee, and is open to anyone over the age of 14 who has an interest in SEHR’s objectives. Persons under the age of 18 shall require the written consent of a parent/guardian.

2.2 Members who have not taken part in any organised activity within a 12-month period may be expelled from SEHR, unless a prior agreement with the Group Controller exists. Such expulsion shall require a formal vote of the Committee. Any appeal against such a decision should be made to the Group Controller within 28 days of notification and shall be heard at an EGM.

2.3 Should any member bring SEHR, or Raynet in general, into disrepute or commit a breach of their Amateur Radio Licence, they shall be liable to censure or expulsion from SEHR. In such an event, evidence shall be presented to the Committee for resolution by a formal vote. Any appeal must be made to the Committee within 28 days of notification and shall be heard at an EGM.


3.1 SEHR shall be managed by a Committee comprising:
Group Controller
Deputy Group Controller
Any ancillary positions deemed necessary by the Committee.

3.2 Committee members shall be elected by a majority vote of members at the AGM and shall serve for a one-year term. Re-election to a post is permissible.

3.3 Should any of the 4 main Committee posts fall vacant an EGM may be called to elect new Committee members for the remainder of the year, as decided by the Committee.

3.4 If an ancillary committee post falls vacant the Committee may co-opt a group member as a replacement, voting rights shall be transferred to the new committee member. Only one such post replacement may occur between SEHR AGMs.

3.5 The Committee shall be able to co-opt any member(s) onto the Committee at any time; such members shall not have any voting rights at Committee Meetings.

3.6 In the event of there being insufficient members to form a Committee the group may be dissolved as set out in this Constitution.


4.1 The SEHR Treasurer shall maintain the Group’s accounts and place its funds in accounts approved by the Committee.

4.2 The Committee shall approve all financial commitment prior to expenditure and a minimum of two Committee members’ signatures shall be required to withdraw monies, or commit expenditure, over a fixed limit as agreed by the committee.

4.3 The Committee shall appoint two non-committee members, or two other persons acceptable to the Committee, to audit the accounts annually; their report, together with the Treasurer’s report, shall be presented at the AGM.

4.4 Members’ subscriptions to SEHR shall be paid at an interval, and at a rate, as agreed at an AGM. The subscription may be reduced or waived in certain circumstances at the Committee’s discretion. Persons joining after the renewal date shall pay a proportional subscription

4.5 A member shall be deemed to have resigned if their subscription to SEHR is not paid within 3 months of the renewal date.


5.1 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

5.1.1 An AGM shall be held between June and August, at a time and place to be determined by the Committee. Every member shall be notified at least 28 days in advance to their last registered email address. If the member has no email account a paper copy shall be sent to their registered postal address. Non-receipt of such notices by an individual shall not invalidate the meeting.

5.1.2 There shall be a quorum of 25% of the registered SEHR membership. In the event of the quorum not being met the Committee shall arrange a new meeting as soon as practical.

5.1.3 The AGM shall be chaired by the outgoing Group Controller, or by a person appointed by the Committee, and shall comprise:
Minutes of previous AGM and EGM(s) held in the year
Any matters arising from those General Meetings
Group Controller’s Report
Treasurer’s and Auditors’ Reports
Election of next year’s Committee members
Any Other Business

5.1.4 Motions for discussion at an AGM shall be notified to members in the AGM calling notice. Counter motions will be accepted during the meeting.

5.1.5 Nominations for Committee posts shall be proposed and seconded by at least two registered members of SEHR and election shall be by majority vote of the AGM attendees.

5.1.6 All members attending the AGM shall be entitled to one vote per motion and this shall be made by a show of hands. In exceptional circumstances the Chairman may allow a secret ballot. Ballot papers will only be issued to registered members of SEHR attending the meeting. Two tellers shall be appointed by the Chairman to count and issue the result of such a ballot. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman, or Group Controller if the Chairman is not a member of SEHR, has a second (casting) vote.

5.2 Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM)

5.2.1 An EGM may be called by the Committee, or by a minimum of 5 members of SEHR in writing to the Secretary with the reason for the EGM being stated. The EGM shall be held within 28 days of such a written request.

5.2.2 Every member shall be notified at least 14 days in advance to their last registered email address. A paper copy shall be sent to their registered postal address if the member has no email account. Non-receipt of such notices by an individual shall not invalidate the meeting.

5.2.3 There shall be a quorum of 25% of the registered SEHR membership. In the event of the quorum not being met it shall be up to the callers of the meeting as to whether another EGM is called by the normal procedure.

5.2.4 The EGM shall be chaired by the Group Controller, or by a person appointed by the Committee.

5.2.5 The EGM Calling Notice must state any motions for discussion and if the purpose of the EGM could result in a vote. The business of the EGM shall be that for which it was called and no other.

5.2.6 All members attending the EGM shall be entitled to one vote per motion and this shall be made by a show of hands. In exceptional circumstances the Chairman may call for a secret ballot. Ballot papers will only be issued to registered members of SEHR attending the meeting. Two tellers shall be appointed by the Chairman to count and issue the result of such a ballot. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman, or Group Controller if the Chairman is not a member of SEHR, has a second (casting) vote.

5.3 Committee Meetings

5.3.1 Committee Meetings shall be held at intervals determined by the Committee.

5.3.2 Each Committee member shall have one vote. In the event of a tied vote the Group Controller has a second (casting) vote.

5.3.3 For formal voting purposes at least 4 Committee members, or three quarters of the Committee members, whichever is the fewer shall be present.

5.4 Informal Meetings
Informal Meetings may be convened from time to time as deemed necessary by the Group Controller or Committee. Such meetings do not require a quorum and no formal voting shall take place. No minutes shall be necessary.

5.5 Minutes
Minutes of all AGMs, EGMs and Committee Meetings shall be taken and retained for a period of at least 3 years.

SEHR and members may be required to affiliate to other organisations, as agreed at an AGM or EGM and shall be liable for any subscriptions involved therein.

Changes to this Constitution shall be approved at an AGM or EGM of SEHR.


8.1 SEHR may only be dissolved following a vote at an AGM or EGM, or in the case of insufficient members to hold such a meeting, or circumstances that make such a meeting by impossible, by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Group.

8.2 Responsibility for winding up the Group’s affairs shall be as agreed at the General Meeting that dissolved the group, or in the case where no such meeting was held, as agreed by the majority of the remaining members of the Group.

8.3 The assets of SEHR, after fulfilling all commitments, shall be disposed of as agreed at the General Meeting that dissolved the group or in the case where no such meeting was held, as agreed by the majority of the remaining members of the Group.

Approved at the Southeast Hampshire RAYNET AGM held on 15th October 2016

Kevan Chippindall-Higgin
Group Controller

Jeff Woonton
Group Secretary